BPRS The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) is a 24-item observer-scale designed to assess patients with major psychiatric disorders, particularly schizophrenia. The BPRS measures positive symptoms, general psychopathology and affective symptoms. Some items (e.g. mannerisms and posturing) can be rated simply on observation of the patient; other items (e.g. anxiety) involve an element of self-report by the patient. The BPRS is administered by a trained clinician via a semi-structured interview. It provides a highly efficient, rapid evaluation procedure for assessing symptom change in psychiatric patients and yields a comprehensive description of major symptom characteristics. The BPRS is suited to making frequent assessments of psychopathology covering short periods of time. bprstransparent600#12bece LanguagesPricing The BPRS is available in English and Spanish only at this time. Please contact us for an at-cost quote for any languages you may need, and we can have it translated for you in about 10 business days. The BPRS is bundled free with the purchase of any license for any OQ outcome questionnaire, and pricing depends on the type of license you need. Please contact sales@oqmeasures.com to request a personalized quote for your customized needs, or you may Contact Us to Buy A License