
Are you a primary healthcare provider, family physician or ER doctor?

The OQ®-10.2 was designed as a brief screening tool to alert you that your patient is experiencing enough psychological distress to consider additional steps. You may elect to speak to your patient or refer them to a mental health specialist.

The OQ®-10.2 provides information about patient distress and well-being and highlights areas that may require additional exploration and/or intervention.

The OQ®-10.2 is available in English, Spanish, French and Dutch only at this time.

Please contact us for an at-cost quote for any languages you may need, and we can have it translated for you in about 10 business days.

The OQ®-10.2 is considered one instrument, and pricing for use of this instrument depends on the type of license you need.

Please contact sales@oqmeasures.com to request a personalized quote for your customized needs, or you may Contact Us to Buy A License