OQ®-ASC DO YOU NEED AN INSTRUMENT TO PROVIDE INSIGHT AND INTERVENTIONS FOR DETERIORATING CASES? The OQ®-ASC (Assessment for Signal Clients) is a 40-item self-report measure designed to be used in conjunction with OQ adult outcome questionnaires to assess the type, and severity of problems, that may be impeding treatment progress—specifically, problems with the therapeutic alliance, motivation, social support, and stressful life events. The OQ®-ASC also offers lists of interventions to assist clinicians with repairing ruptures identified by the questionnaire that are triggering early warning treatment failure alerts on the OQ®-45.2 and OQ®-30.2. The OQ®-ASC is a very popular adult clinical support tool amongst OQ licensees because it is specifically tailored to enhance positive psychotherapy outcomes in clients predicted to be treatment failures. Many clients respond well to treatment, but for some, the process of understanding change and recovery is not easy. There are many reasons why some clients respond better to treatment than others. Research suggests the following factors as particularly important in bringing about a positive outcome for patients whose positive response to therapy is in doubt: Therapeutic Alliance – the alliance between patient and clinician Motivation – the patient’s degree of motivation to change Social Support – state of the patient’s social support network Life Events – stressful life events (which are among the most important) Feedback from the OQ®-ASC allows you to make treatment decisions based on your patient’s progress rather than a fixed treatment protocol, theory of change or mandated policies regarding treatment length. The OQ®-ASC is most effective with the OQ®-Analyst license, as early warning treatment failure alerts on OQ adult outcome measures are only available in web-based format. You may book a demo to see how the OQ®-ASC works. oq-asctransparent600#12bece Outstanding FeaturesLanguagesUsing the OQ®-ASCPricing Interventions: The OQ®-ASC contains a feature within the web-based clinician report that offers therapeutic interventions for ruptures in the therapeutic alliance and social support network, as well as interventions for clients that display a lack of motivation for therapy. Non-Exhaustive Administration Frequency: The OQ®-ASC only needs to be administered when and if the patient is predicted to have a poor outcome. Great For Training Clinics: Trainees can use the OQ®-ASC to prioritize cases for supervision if a patient goes off-track so supervisors can join with trainees in analyzing the reasons for predicted failure once the ASC has been administered. Then the supervisor can support the trainee’s reflective practice and problem solving, including taking actions to alter the trajectory of change. The OQ®-ASC is available in English, Spanish, French (Canadian), Finnish, German and Swedish only at this time. Please contact us for an at-cost quote for any languages you may need, and we can have it translated for you in about 10 business days. When a client is predicted to be a treatment failure, thus generating a “red” or “yellow” warning on an OQ®-45.2 or OQ®-30.2 in the OQ®-Analyst, the OQ®-ASC clinical support tool is then administered to the client. Once the measure is scored, feedback is generated for the therapist to review and consider. This feedback is expected to be used in conjunction with a decision tree in order to make problem solving orderly and effective, followed by an explanation of the subscales of the ASC, in addition to possible therepeutic interventions that have been found to be helpful in resolving specific client problems. The OQ®-ASC is considered one instrument, and pricing for use of this instrument depends on the type of license you need. Please contact sales@oqmeasures.com to request a personalized quote for your customized needs, or you may Contact Us to Buy A License