Y-OQ® SR 2.0 A PREFERRED OUTCOME MEASURE FOR 2 OF AMERICA’S LARGEST COUNTIES – WHAT THE Y-OQ® SR 2.0 CAN TELL YOU ABOUT YOUNGER PATIENTS A product of over two decades of research by Dr. Gary Burlingame, the Y-OQ® SR 2.0 is a bi-product of one of the most researched outcome measures for youth in the world, and has been the subject of many studies worldwide. Created to track behavioral change in children in treatment, the Y-OQ® is the youth self report outcome measure of choice by the two largest counties in California and America, as well as one of the largest health care systems in the United States. The Y-OQ® SR 2.0 is a 64-item self report. It is a measure of treatment progress for children and adolescents (ages 12-18) receiving mental health intervention. The Y-OQ® is designed to reflect the total amount of distress a child or adolescent is experiencing, and its utility across many populations, treatment types, and modalities allows for non-invasive clinical application in nearly all settings of care. A research-based reliable change index (RCI) is an absolutely critical feature to any legitimate outcome measure, and the Y-OQ® not only has an RCI, but it is a highly sensitive instrument with strong reliability and validity. The Y-OQ® is recognized as a recommended outcome measure by The Joint Commission. THE Y-OQ®-2.01 MEASURES SIX SUBSCALES: You can use the subscale scores to identify and target particularly problematic areas as a focus of treatment. These six areas of functioning suggest a continuum covering how the person feels inside, how he or she is getting along with significant others, how he or she is coping with stress physically and behaviorally, and how he or she is performing in important life tasks, such as work and school. The Y-OQ® also assesses change in paranoia, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, hallucination, delusions, suicide, mania, and eating disorder issues. Intrapersonal Distress (emotional distress) Somatic Distress (distress presenting physically) Interpersonal Relations (relationship with parents, other adults, and peers) Critical Items (flags need for those requiring immediate intervention beyond standard outpatient treatment) Social Problems (socially-related problematic behaviors) Behavioral Dysfunction (unhealthy behaviors) Y-OQ®-2.01 CRITICAL ITEMS: Examination of nine critical items allows clinicians to screen for paranoia, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, hallucination, delusions, suicide, mania, and eating disorder issues. y-oq-sr-2-0transparent600#12bece Outstanding FeaturesLanguagesUsing the Y-OQ® SRY-OQ® SR TAPricing Assists with Treatment Planning: Assessment of content areas of the Y-OQ® SR 2.0 allows for a more streamlined treatment plan and documentation. Standardized Data with Exceptional Sensitivity to Change: Based on normative data, the Y-OQ® SR 2.0 has been found to be both reliable and valid, yielding high internal consistency across several samples and correlating favorably with other notable tools. Content that Assesses Functional Level and Change Over Time: The Y-OQ® SR 2.0 is composed of six separate subscales designed to tap diverse areas of behavioral difficulties as well as including elements of healthy behavior. The subscales include Intrapersonal Distress (ID), Somatic (S), Interpersonal Relations (IP), Critical Items (CI), Social Problems (SP), and Behavioral Dysfunction (BD). As with the OQÒ45.2, this approach cuts across treatment models, diagnoses, and disciplines, allowing for use and comparison in a wide variety of settings. Risk Assessment: High scores on the critical items scale indicate those who may need immediate intervention beyond standard outpatient treatment. The Y-OQ® SR 2.0 is available in English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Armenian, Cambodian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Dutch, Farsi, German, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Swedish, Tagalog and Vietnamese only at this time. Please contact us for an at-cost quote for any languages you may need, and we can have it translated for you in about 10 business days. The Y-OQ® was created to track behavioral change in children in treatment. The questionnaire may be administered and scored in an average timeframe of 7-9 minutes. The more a patient completes the questionnaire, the faster they become. The patient is meant to complete the questionnaire at intake or admission to establish a severity baseline and then complete it repeatedly at regular intervals to track the child’s progress. Psychometric calculations from the normative database permit determination of the client’s behavioral similarity at each measurement interval to in-patient, residential, in-home, and out-patient populations, and a large untreated community sample. The Y-OQ® SR TA is a 64-item Measure with an additional 5 questions about the Therapeutic Alliance. The therapeutic alliance has been defined as the quality of the helping relationship between the client and therapist. This relationship is considered to include a positive bond between the client and therapist, and agreement on therapeutic tasks and goals. In addition, specific responses to specific items can guide the therapist to consider certain aspects of the alliance that may be most problematic. The Y-OQ® SR TA is a new measure which includes the Y-OQ® SR 2.0 and 5 questions about Therapeutic Alliance. The goal of the 5 Therapeutic Alliance questions is to assess your client's perception of the relationship between you and your client. While it may be reassuring to know that clients have very positive feelings about their relationship with you, it is more helpful in a problem-solving mode to identify ruptures in the relationship and move to repair them. The Y-OQ® SR 2.0 self report is considered one instrument, and pricing for use of this instrument depends on the type of license you need. Please contact sales@oqmeasures.com to request a personalized quote for your customized needs, or you may Contact Us to Buy A License