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Michael J Lambert

Dr. Michael Lambert

Michael J. Lambert, Ph.D. is a professor and holds an Endowed Chair in Psychology at Brigham Young University. His teaching includes classes in psychotherapy, psychotherapy supervision and clinical research methods. He has been in private practice as a psychotherapist throughout his career. His research spans 30 years and has emphasized psychotherapy outcome, process and the measurement of change. He has edited, authored, or co-authored nine academic research based books, and 40 book chapters, while publishing over 150 scientific articles on treatment outcomes. He is the co-author of the Outcome Questionnaire, a measure of treatment effects that is growing in popularity. He has given over 200 presentations across the world, many of them invited addresses.

Dr. Lambert received a Distinguished Career Research Award from the Society for Psychotherapy Research. This competitive award recognizes the cumulative scientific contributions and accomplishments over a lifetime. Dr Lambert, in the opinion of the Society's Board of Directors was well deserving because of his numerous publications and standing as a world leader in psychotherapy outcome research. The Society is an international, multi-disciplinary scientific association dedicated to studying psychological treatments and their effects. Its members include psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health agencies who dedicate themselves to studying psychotherapy in over 30 countries. The award was presented to Dr. Lambert at the annual meetings of the society held in Weimer, Germany in 2003.

Brigham Young University's highest honor for faculty research, the Maeser Award, was awarded to Dr. Lambert in recognition of his cumulative research accomplishments. He was the recipient of the Distinguished Psychologist Award from Division 29 (psychotherapy) of the American Psychological Association, and the Academic Excellence Award from the Utah Psychological Association. In 2003 he was the recipient of the Distinguished Career Research award by The Society of Psychotherapy Research for his lifetime contributions to professional practice. He recently completed a five year appointment as Associate Editor of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, making editorial decisions on 100 manuscripts per year. In 2004, he edited Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change, the most authoritative summary of the effects of psychological treatments.

His current program of research focuses on reducing treatment failure and non response through the use of advanced statistical methods and computer applications. In 2003 PacifiCare Behavioral Health honored 100 therapists with a cash award of $1000. The Michael Lambert Award for Excellence in Practice Award recipients were identified based on their patient's exceptional outcomes. Such as award demonstrates that patient treatment outcomes can be routinely measured and that unusually effective providers can be identified and reinforced for their excellence.

Gary M Burlingame

Dr. Gary Burlingame

Gary M. Burlingame, Ph.D. is a professor of Clinical Psychology at Brigham Young University. His teaching includes research and assessment methods applied to psychotherapy and group psychotherapy. His research spans over 20 years and has emphasized measurement, program evaluation and group psychotherapy. He has edited, authored or co-authored four academic based books, 100 book chapters and peer reviewed articles and 180+ scientific articles.

Dr. Burlingame received the Group Psychologist of the year award from the American Psychological Association in 2006, a career award for Outstanding Contributions in Group Psychotherapy from the American Group Psychotherapy Association and awarded Fellow status in the American Psychological Association for his outstanding and unusual contributions to the science and profession of psychology.

Dr. Burlingame has served as a consultant to private and state agencies in implementing changes in practice patterns increasing the use of group and outcomes-informed treatment. This consultation includes direct training with clinicians, line administrators and executive staff. He has maintained a clinical practice for over 20 years and supervises clinicians in both private and public settings.

Nationally, Dr. Burlingame has served as a consultant to over 20 federal, state and private entities including the White House, Department of Labor, Food & Drug Administration and HMO's that cover over 30 million U.S. lives. Internationally, Dr Burlingame has served as a Group and Methodology consultant in a number of capacities including Bosnia (UNICEF), Germany (Humboldt Foundation) and Australia (Australian Research Grants Committee).

Sue Jenkins

Sue Jenkins

The best part of my job is spending time with our clients. We are lucky to have wonderful customers that are trying to make a positive impact in peoples' lives and I feel blessed to able to help them in some small way.

Whether I'm meeting with executives at the state level, CEO's at community mental health centers, private therapists, counseling center staff, training clinics personnel or clinicians deployed in various military settings, I hear the same theme; everyone is being pressured to find cost cutting measures and to do more with less and be accountable for their work. And in the face of these new demands, everyone is struggling to ensure that quality and effectiveness of care remains high. How do we assure positive outcomes for our clients?

The emergence of scientific advances in statistics and information technology in the behavioral healthcare field has resulted in effective tools like the OQ®-Analyst that therapists can utilize in their practice. Research has shown that patients whose progress may be faltering can be identified before treatment ends and that speedy feedback to clinician and patients can reduce treatment failure by two-thirds.

We've taken it beyond just measuring change, the purpose of the OQ® Family of instruments and the OQ®-Analyst is to improve treatment outcomes, by measuring, monitoring, and identifying off-track cases as well as providing problem solving tools to improve treatment response.

We have been listening to our clients and will be adding new instruments during the coming months. Please return to our web site often to check for new innovations.