S-OQ® 2.0


Also known as the Severe Outcome Questionnaire, the S-OQ® 2.0 is specifically intended to measure mental health status. Acting as either a self report or an observer report, depending on the patient, the S-OQ® provides a “snapshot” measurement of distress and functioning levels at any given time and tracks changes in such levels across time. 30 questions featured on the S-OQ® are derived from the OQ®-30.2, with an additional 15 serious mental illness (SMI) and severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) questions to measure basic functioning and functional impairment. A research-based reliable change index (RCI) is an absolutely critical feature to any legitimate outcome measure, and the S-OQ® utilizes an RCI to track clinically significant change across populations the OQ®-45.2 or OQ®-30.2 are unable to accurately monitor change.

The S-OQ® Social Role (SR) subscale was also the primary tool used to measure work productivity and activity impairment at PacifiCare – a very large mental health company in the Western United States – and found that the SR as an independent scale was extremely effective in outpatient settings for determining how mental health status significantly impacts productivity and attendance at work.

Clinicians can measure patient progress along several important S-OQ® dimensions:

  1. Subjective Discomfort (Intrapsychic functioning)
  2. Interpersonal Relationships
  3. Social Role Performance
  4. Serious and Severe Functional Impairment

The S-OQ® 2.0 provides a marker for degree of disturbance and a way of tracking patient improvement or deterioration.

Use as a Self-Report or Observer Report: There are varying levels of functioning across SMI and SPMI cases. Depending on the patient, some individuals function well enough (5th grade reading level) to provide a reliable self report, and some are not. The S-OQ® has the flexibility to be completed by the patient, or by an observer/clinician.

Using the BPRS & S-OQ® together: OQ founders have determined from their research that the S-OQ® and BPRS (Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale) are quite complementary when used together. Since the BPRS can be specific to major psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia and is suited to making frequent assessments of psychopathology covering short periods of time, the S-OQ® can in turn be used for measuring progress across all SMI and SPMI populations for any length of stay.

Excellent internal consistency: Research shows that preliminary internal consistency reliability, discriminant analyses of items, and validity for the S-OQ® with patients in state hospital settings and community mental health centers shows excellent estimates for internal consistency. Discriminant and other item analyses reveal that many items, as well as the total score, were shown to accurately discriminate between patient and nonpatient samples.

The S-OQ® is available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Farsi, Korean and Vietnamese only at this time.

Please contact us for an at-cost quote for any languages you may need, and we can have it translated for you in about 10 business days.

The S-OQ® measures distress and functioning levels at any given time and also tracks changes in such levels across time. For evaluating single measurement occasions, a clinical cutoff score aids in determining whether distress levels are more reflective of clinical or normal populations. Scores falling above the cutoff are in the clinical range, suggesting more distress or impaired functioning, whereas scores below the cutoff are in the normal range. For evaluating change across multiple measurement occasions, a reliable change index (RCI) aids in determining how much scores must change in order for patients to demonstrate a significant decrease (or increase) in distress levels. The RCI facilitates the evaluation of whether a patient has reliably worsened, made no reliable change, reliably improved, or recovered. Recovery is defined as reliable improvement with a final score falling in the normal range according to the clinical cutoff score. The clinical cutoff score and RCI are useful tools in categorizing patient distress and change over time. They facilitate clinician and researcher attention to individual patients rather than only to group averages or between-group comparisons, a major aim of the “patient-focused” research paradigm.

Clinical cutoff scores and RCI values have been useful in evaluating dose-response relationships, in developing outcome management systems providing therapists with warnings about expected patient recovery or deterioration and in clinical trial evaluation of empirically supported treatments.

The S-OQ® is considered one instrument, and pricing for use of this instrument depends on the type of license you need.

Please contact sales@oqmeasures.com to request a personalized quote for your customized needs, or you may Contact Us to Buy A License